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Малечка куќа со контејнерско село

Tiny House Container Village by cdp (equal parts wired to be witty) It may seem like a small, simple thing but at the same time, it is a highly intriguing and exciting way of living as well, something that a lot of people are beginning to embrace. Then they understand more about? A tiny house container village is a unique collection of homes that are built with shipping containers. These are those extra-large metal boxes big ships use to haul goods across oceans. The houses јаболко кабина Охио that these containers become are small — but they are also created to be snug and functional. The residents of these homes usually want to reduce their lives, have less material possessions and care for the earth. The village houses are in an unusual and quirky style generally using reclaimed and recycled materials which is good for the environment.

Live Big in a Small Space With a Container Village Home

Despite being little homes, they have been thought out to optimize every inch of interior. It is a place where happy and satisfied people can live. A container village by cdp home can be very comfortable as long as smart storage solutions are used, such as hidden cabinets, and multi-use furniture that is kind to the earth. At јаболко долина кабина a minimum, living in one of these homes also tends to entail deaccessioning—culling stuff from our three-sediment-deep human lifestyle that we really kinda don't need. It can be liberating as it allows people to prioritize what really matters to them in life – family, friends and experiences rather than stuff.

Why choose cdph Tiny house container village?

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