রুম A118-102, 4র্থ তলা, জয়েন্ট ইন্সপেকশন বিল্ডিং, হাইকো কমপ্রিহেনসিভ বন্ডেড জোন, হাইকো, হাইনান।
Hello, young readers! Well today we have something pretty awesome to share — you ready for the 20ft expandable container home?! Have you seen ever before a shipping container house? Ya know, the big metal boxes they use to ship things across oceans? This house is one of those because this home grows and shrinks, like an accordion! Isn’t that amazing?
Have you heard of a nomad? A nomad, (from the Latin meaning “no man”), is a person that moves around without having a set home. They go from place to place, learning new places and meeting different people. These days, many young people wish to live this way so as to explore more of the world and gain recognition for all different cultures. They are seeking new adventures and having fun! Their perfect container home alternative solution: 20ft expandable container house!【Video】 This gives you a warm feeling on the go.
You may still ask yourself, what life can fit into such a small piece of plastic? " Well, don’t worry! You get an amazing space optimization with the 20ft expandable container home. When closed it is 20ft x 8 ft, which makes the Whistler XTR-140 about the size of a compact bedroom. However, when you unfold it on the ground (it can stretch to 20ft by 16 ft), that is enough room for a mini home! So you can have a great living space without having it take up too much room. You can carry all things you require inside it and yet, feels like home!
And have you heard that by living in an expandable container home, can be better for the planet than a regular house? That’s right! These are homes made from shipping containers which would have been tossed away. We reduce waste by using these containers Also, they are able to use the sun as a source of energy through solar panels and be powered by electricity. It is good for the environment. And best of all, due to their diminutive size they require less energy to heat or cool, which is even better for the environment.
Yes, the 20ft expandable container home may be small but that doesn't mean it ain't cozy! It can actually be a comfortable as well home inside, so let your imagination color the possibilities. You can have a kitchen for your favorite meals, and bathroom to start the day with energy, bedroom so that sweet dreams are made of this… living room.. to relax. Just pack up your home and take it with you wherever you go when that new adventure comes. An almost separate, portable universe.
Our company aims to provide buyers in the international market with a variety of services within the import and export industry which includes but not limited to production, design, global procurement, 20ft expandable container home, overseas installation and many more. Our supply range includes modular houses, furniture electrical appliances as well as sanitary wares and construction materials and other products that are part of the business and trade. We have a group of technicians for mobile housing, an expert team in the management of supply chains across the entire region of China, and a team that has over fifteen years' experience in the trade and international business. To satisfy customers' demand is our primary goal.
আমরা সারা বিশ্বে 20 ফুট প্রসারণযোগ্য কন্টেইনার হোমের অসংখ্য ক্যাম্প সফলভাবে সম্পন্ন করেছি এবং বিভিন্ন মানের সাথে সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ ডিজাইন অফার করতে পারি। আমাদের পণ্য চরম পরিবেশের চাহিদা মিটমাট করতে সক্ষম. মোবাইল স্ট্রাকচারটি আশেপাশের পরিবেশের সাথে আরও ভালভাবে ফিট করার জন্য কাস্টমাইজ করা যেতে পারে। এর মধ্যে রয়েছে অফিস, হোটেল, বাসস্থান এবং লিভিং রুম। পণ্যটি একটি একক ইউনিটে পরিবহণ করা হয়, তারপর বিচ্ছিন্ন এবং পুনরায় একত্রিত করা হয় যা ন্যূনতম সীমাবদ্ধতা সহ বিভিন্ন ধরণের জমি ব্যবহারের জন্য উপযুক্ত, ভিত্তির প্রয়োজন ছাড়াই। এটি সমস্ত ভূখণ্ডের জন্য উপযুক্ত, পরিবেশগত পরিবেশের ক্ষতি না করে এবং পরিবেশ বান্ধব সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করতে বর্জ্য তৈরি না করে।
We have over 12 years of expertise in camp construction and prefabricated homes they build meet the requirements of different national standards and settings. We have a variety of design options for Apple Cabin Houses as well as Triangle Houses, as well with customizations in terms of materials, appearance and interior layout. The overall prefabrication allows for quick installation and disassembly. Eco green materials are used. Strict quality testing is done at the plant, and waterproofing, insulation, and thermal insulation all meet international standards. You will be able to enjoy a an 20ft expandable container home
All of our products come with a 2-year warranty. During the installation 20ft expandable container home we'll give you detailed videos of the installation, and if there is a problem that require attention, our expert engineers offer video instruction. We will replace any part that has a problem in use. We have our own experienced design team, and we can also collaborate on following product upgrades. While we are at it, we are constantly updating our designs for our products as well as their appearance and internal technology in order to ensure that our products are in line with the requirements of the general public and are committed to leading the Apple Cabin House market
কপিরাইট © CDPH (হাইনান) কোম্পানি লিমিটেড সর্বস্বত্ব সংরক্ষিত